"An unexpected journey to discover your child's potential... With us the journey is PRICELESS!!!"

Not-for-profit organization, where your donated dollars will afford us to offer a free therapy & socialization clinic to children and adults on the spectrum

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Past, Current and Future Events

Men's Wearhouse, Mission VIejo has donated Miles wardrobe for Selma's Fundraiser 2014
Where: San Clemente's Village Art Fair, Our booth in right outside Petit Bonhomme (look for our red,yellow, and blue balloons).
and San Juan Capistrano Second Saturday Art Fair, our booth is now in Los Rios Park. (look for our pinwheels).
When: SC: 9am, Every first Sunday of every month, except January. SJC: 10am, Every second Saturday from March through December.
Why: We are preaching autism awareness, letting people know what our nonprofit is doing for autism and how they can help too. We always meet caring people and find good connections at every faire. We also raise donations to help our cause by: a donation box
Where: Selma's Chicago Pizzeria
When: Jan. 8th, April 9th, July 9th, and Oct 29th., All Day Dine-in or Dine-out and between 5:30-8:30pm Fun & Festivities. Eat Dough/Raise Dough, Raffles every 1/2 hour, and Balloon Twister.
Who: We need more warm bodies throughout the year so, please save future dates and come support autism and have fun too!... Do you know anyone who has a child diagnosed with autism? What better gift ..then for them to know you care. Either come and show your support or find them a dependable safe babysitter for the child on the spectrum (only if the child can't handle noisy restaurants otherwise bring them too) and treat the parents and siblings of the child with autism with a night of fun in the name of autism. We have Selma's Chicago Pizzeria, 218 Ave. Del Mar, San Clemente... supporting our cause,
We actually like to SEE people who support autism, not necessarily the families affected by autism directly. We know how physically hard it is to go out and how financially draining it is for extra activities. We would love to see loved ones close to these families bring them for a night on the town of fun and prizes, to show your support to them. Or try to win prizes for them to use if they can't make it. Selma's does have a gluten free menu as well.
Why: We are raising money for Miles4Autism to open our doors. Our mission is to offer FREE therapy to children on the autism spectrum and social integration at our fun zone.
More Info: Selma's Chicago Pizzeria is gracious enought to hold a EAT DOUGH/RAISE DOUGH fundrasier for us every quarter. We get 20% of your food and drink bill, as long as you wear a Miles4Autism t-shirt or bring in a copy of flyer. We also have raffles every 1/2 hour from 6-9pm and even more often if we have additional prizes. (feel free to find a business to donate to our cause, always accepting donations)
Prizes: Selma's Chicago Pizzeria: Pizza and Dessert gift card, Edible Arrangement gift card (San Clemente), 4 tickets to Laser Quest (Mission Viejo), Syrens Hair Parlor: 2 free haircuts (San Clemente), J Darby Photographpy: sitting and images/portrait, more one time local donations.
Connection: We pass out flyers on Ave.Del Mar, San Clemente all year and Second Saturday Fair in SJC, Selma's is so kind to let us have a fundraiser every quarter and.... GREAT PLACE!!!! GOOD FOOD and TOP CLASS STAFF!!
EBAY: ID: Miles4Autismproceedsequalsfreetherapy
When: All year round
How: Two ways, click on ebay on our menu button above under "MORE" or Go to ebay.. upper right hand corner click on word "Advanced" (just to the right blue SEARCH button), you should be on the "Find Item page",,,then scroll to bottom of page and find category for "Sellers".... THEN... click on square next to first line stating "Only show items from"...then type in "miles4autismproceedsequalsfreetherapy"... in rectangular box that blinks just to the right of the word "Include" and our page should pop up for you, thank you for your interest.
Where: San Clemente's Village Art Fair, Our booth in right outside Petit Bonhomme (look for our
and in San Juan Capistrano Second Saturday Art Fair, our booth is usually on Yorba. (look for our
When: SC: 9am, Every first Sunday of every month, except January. SJC: 10am, Every second
Saturday from March through December.
Why: We are preaching autism awareness, letting people know our mission and vision for autism and how they can help too. We always meet caring people and find good connections at every faire. We also raise donations to help our cause by: a donation box, requesting donations for crafts made from people on the spectrum, (Miles4Autism gets 20% of those donations), we also have currently Flip-n-Flyers, Angry Birds Star Wars 8" plush with sound, Angry Birds balls (stress balls), original and space, along with kind donations we receive and offer for a donation.
Where: Selma's Chicago Pizzeria
When: Oct. 30th, 2013, All Day Dine-in or Dine-out and 6-9pm Fun & Festivities. (Halloween Costume Contest, Raffle and Balloon Twister)
Who: We had a small but fun crowd, we passed out flyers at our San Clemente Village Art & Craft Fair Booth and our SJC Second Saturday Art Fair booth. We also passed out flyers at Syrens Hair Parlor, Mermaids, Petit Bonhomme. We need more warm bodies throughout the year so, please save future dates and come support autism and have have fun too.
We actually like to have people who support autism, not necessarily the families affected by autism directly. We know how physically hard it is to go out and how financially draining it is for extra activities. We would love to see loved ones close to these families bring them for a night on the town of fun and prizes, to show your support to them. Or try to win prizes for them to use if they can't make it. Selma's does have a gluten free menu as well.
Why: We are raising money for Miles4Autism to open our doors. Our mission is to offer FREE therapy to children on the autism spectrum and social integration at our fun zone.
More Info: Selma's Chicago Pizzeria is gracious enought to hold a EAT DOUGH/RAISE DOUGH fundrasier for us every quarter. We get 20% of your food and drink bill, as long as you wear a Miles4Autism t-shirt or bring in a copy of flyer. We also have raffles every 1/2 hour from 6-9pm and even more often if we have additional prizes. (feel free to find a business to donate to our cause, always accepting donations)
Prizes: Selma's Chicago Pizzeria: Pizza and Dessert gift card, Edible Arrangement gift card (San Clemente), Mermaids gift card (San Clemente/Oceanside), 4 tickets to Laser Quest (Mission Viejo), Syrens Hair Parlor: 2 free haircuts (San Clemente), J Darby Photographpy: sitting and images/portrait, 4 pairs of Rainbow Sandals, $35 Cash prize from private donator, 2 Coco gift cards from private donators, Harley Davidson T-Shirt private donor.
Connection: We passed out flyers on Ave.Del Mar, San Clemente earlier this year and Selma's reached out to us immediately, we were not ready for that kind of fundraiser. However, when we contacted them, they welcomed us with open arms. GREAT PLACE!!!! GOOD FOOD and TOP CLASS STAFF!!
2014 DATES: Jan. 8th, April 9th, July 9th, and Oct 29th. All Day Dine-in or Dine-out and 6-9pm Fun & Festivities.
Where: Bella Collina Towne & Golf Club
When: Nov. 13th, 2013, 10:00-12:30pm
Why: We were graciously invited by the Diana Kelly, to be one of four booths to be at there meeting for the ladies and gentlemen to Christmas shop.
Connection: We met Diana Kelly at our San Clemente Village Fair Booth. They were very gracious and kind during our visit at their meeting. Thank you for having us. We met a few great people relating to autism and hope to meet up with them again.

Costume Contest Winners

Costume Contest Winner

Founder of Miles4Atuism and her family from Right to Left...
Husband; Joe Estrada, Step-son Brandon Estrada, Founder: Linda Hogan-Estrada and
Inspiration for Miles4Autism: Miles Estrada

Mailing Address:
31678 Coast Hwy. #A
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
© 2012 by Miles4autism.org

T: (Linda) 714-943-6882